How Do Parcel Letter Boxes Work? Everything You Need to Know About Parcel Boxes for Your Home
How Do Parcel Letter Boxes Work?
In this article we will discuss how parcel letter boxes work and why they are now becoming an essential part of every home, especially with the surge in online shopping and parcel delivery. We’ll take a look at the benefits of having a parcel letter box installed on your property and how they can be used to help reduce the number of trips you need to make to the post office to collect missed parcel deliveries.
Parcel Letter Boxes by Handybox Australia offer a secure and convenient way to receive your parcels from online shopping. Now more than ever, Australians are shopping online and constant trips to the post office for parcel collection is becoming a real inconvenience for most people.
How do parcel boxes work?
There is a range of different parcel and letter boxes available to buy online, and they all work similarly; parcel letter boxes allow the postman or courier company to drop off your parcel in a secure and safe box that you can access when you get home from work or your outing. It is just like having your very own Australia Post Parcel locker, at your home. Now that’s real convenience.
Let’s look at some of the key benefits of parcel boxes
Secure with Pin Code Access
No matter if you are considering a free-standing parcel letter box or a fence mounted parcel and letter box, Handybox offers parcel boxes that are designed with security in mind.
Each parcel box comes with a secure pin code access lock, to ensure that when the post man has dropped your parcel in to your parcel box, no one can get it out unless they have your pin code. This means you can have a safe and secure place for parcel deliveries at your home, reducing time and inconvenience of having to go to the post office to collect your parcels each time.
Weatherproof Parcel Boxes
Australia’s weather is unpredictable these days, and your parcels need to keep dry and out of direct sunlight. With Handybox Parcel Boxes, your parcels will stay dry and out of the elements in a weatherproof parcel letter box. They’re designed to outlast the harsh Australian sun and withstand wet and wild weather.
No More Trips to the Post Office
I’m sure we are not alone when we miss a parcel delivery and find ourselves having to find the time to go to the post office to collect it. It can be a real inconvenience and at times, you find that the postman didn’t even knock on the door to see if you were home. Do away with the inconvenience of parcel collections at the post office and install a parcel letter box at your home to never miss a parcel delivery again!
There are many more reasons why you would want to install a parcel box at your home to receive your parcels from online ordering with ease, security, and convenience.
Check out all our current parcel letter box designs and order yours today – Handybox offers a range of styles to suite your home landscape.
It has never been so easy and convenient to receive parcels at home, without ever needing to go to the post office again!